Saturday, June 25, 2011

Potty Training Update

Natalie is finally doing very well with potty training. I don't want to jinx myself, but I'm thinking it's almost safe to say she is daytime bladder trained. I took several pairs of panties and several outfits to daycare earlier this week, and she only had one accident! Yay, Natalie! Unless she's super busy playing, she does pretty well to tell me that she needs to "pee pee on the potty". We haven't really run too many errands, but I still plan on putting her in a pull-up for ventures outside the house. Yesterday she got a haircut and wore panties, and on the way home told me she needed to go, but in the car, I couldn't do much about it, and she had an accident. Maybe I should invest in one of those little travel potties that I can set up in the back of my SUV. Does anyone have experience with those? I would LOVE for her to be completely, 100% potty trained (day and night, bowel and bladder) by the time we go on our beach vacation late this summer. How lovely it would be to not pack ANY pull-ups or ANY swim diapers!

On a side note, I'm having a Thirty-One party today, so I've gotta get my house in tip-top shape. Have you ever seen Thirty-One stuff? It's SO cute!
I'm got several little crafty-type projects in mind. I can't wait until I have time to really put some thought, time, and money into them (though they're all pretty inexpensive). When I do, I'll post about them.

I hope it's as beautiful everywhere today as it is here! Happy Saturday!


Kristen Thornburg said...


I would love to answer all your questions in an email. I love to respond to comments directly through email, but you don't have your email connected to your blog. :( You can change this in your profile settings. If you aren't comfortable sharing your email address, like I was, then make a special one just for your blog. My email address is -- I am not really the best person to ask for tips on just starting a blog. I just started one month ago! You can read about my ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY (today) on my blog... lol....
This comment would be really long if I got into all the little details so... email if you want to know anymore! :) Can't wait to hear from you! I love meeting other bloggers!!

Kristen Thornburg said...

Also, what is a Thirty One party? Sounds interesting! And congrats to your daughter and her recent potty training successes!
