I've learned so much in the just over 2.5 years that I've been a parent, but I know I still have oh-so much to learn.
1. Nothing's going to be perfect. I've always been one to keep things clean and organized. Once Natalie became mobile, and especially now that she's a toddler, I've had to throw that out the window.
2. Be positive! I'm all about kids not getting every.single.thing they want. I've learned with Natalie that things go much more smoothely if I don't say "no", but say something to the effect of, "We can do that after..." or "We have to eat supper before you can have ice cream" (and most of the time she's forgotten about the ice cream once she eats supper). When I say no in a positive way, her reaction is usually, "Okay, Mommy."
3. Every child is different.
- I've always been so concerned about Natalie doing as well as, if not better than, the other kids in her class. She does things on her own time. My biggest stressor was potty-training. I was so afraid that all of Natalie's classmates would be potty-trained soon, but Natalie wouldn't until she was 3.5, so I really stressed, which I think stressed Natalie out. I finally quit pushing her, and within 2 days, she was practically daytime potty-trained with only occasional minor accidents.
- Discipline that works for some kids doesn't work for all kids.
5. Everyone talks about the "terrible two's"...for us two has been so pleasant. It's the three's that I'm worried aboutt.
6. Take pictures (and video if you can)! They grow so fast; it's so great to look back on those photos and videos.
7. Trust your gut. You know your child better than anyone, including the pediatrician. Ask questions of your doc! That's what he/she is there for.
8. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family. It's not necessary to strive to be an "Alpha Parent".
9. Boogie wipes are not just a money-making-gimick/crock. They really are great for snotty noses; or they were for us, anyway.
10. It's so important to us to raise Natalie to have a relationship with God. If that's not something that's a priority to you right now, and you're having tough time, maybe a spiritual relationship is something to think about.
1 comment:
sounds like you are a fabulous momma!
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