Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sweet Gestures

Short and sweet, quickly before I head to bed. Nathan surprised me today with a one-month tanning package at the tanning salon down the road from our house. I've really been in a funk lately, and I think it's because I haven't had any "light therapy" in quite some time, so now I'm extremely pale, and I've sort of let myself go, digging into sweets (who can pass up girl scout cookies?) and not exercising  like I used to. When I tanned in the past, I'd be lucky to go once or twice a week, because I always do Natalie's bath, cook, clean up from dinner, etc. Nathan has really been helping out...we've been an awesome team lately! Anyway, before I even had a chance to think about when I might go tan, Nathan says, "I was thinking you could make your appointments during Natalie's bathtime, and I'll take care of it." WHAT?? Who are you, and what did you do with my husband? This is amazing! I think this may be my first step toward getting ready for bikini season and our Gulf Shores vacation (more on that later).

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