Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Healthy Snack Rave!

Several weeks ago a co-worker encouraged me to try some of her Laughing Cow cheese. I enjoy the commercials, but I'm not a Swiss cheese fan, and I'm such a cheapskate that I didn't want to spend the $3.98 on a circle of 8 cheese wedges and risk not liking them. The cheese was pretty good spread on a cracker, so I picked up some of my very own Laughing Cow Creamy Swiss Light during my next grocery trip. I picked up two more packages on the following grocery trip. This stuff is delicious, and at 35 calories per wedge, I eat one for a morning snack (or for breakfast) and one for an afternoon snack. My favorite dippers for this stuff? Apples and grapes. Eating healthy just got much tastier.

*ETA: I was in no way compensated by Laughing Cow for this review. These opinions are purely my own.

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