Monday, April 11, 2011

I Used to Think I Was Computer-Savvy

I've taken numerous computer-related classes and excelled at anything related to Microsoft Office. I can't say that I'm a computer whiz anymore. I've been looking forward to posting about my first purge from IHeart Organizing's "30 Items in 30 Days" (or, as she's now calling it, "Project Purge") challenge, but just talking  writing about it isn't very exciting. The post needs pictures. I have the pictures, but (this is where my newfound computer illiteracy comes in) I can't seem to upload pictures from my Canon Rebel to the computer. I have the software installed, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've always just put my memory card into my old little Sanyo point and shoot, but that's getting old, and its battery is dead. I guess it's time to pull out the Canon instruction manual again and learn how to get pictures from the camera to the computer.
The reveal of the results of my purge will have to wait for another day.

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