Sunday, July 17, 2011

10 Random Facts

* I recently gave up regular coffee and usually feel like I can't make it through the day without it. I think I'll start drinking tea, especially chamomile tea, to decrease stress and give me some energy. Thanks for the great info, Mrs. T! I still drink the souped up coffees from Panera and Starbucks.

* I've never wanted to be a stay at home mom. I think I'd go stir crazy. However, for the last two weeks, the thought of being a SAHM sounds wonderful! Nathan's really encouraging it when he finishes grad school.

* I cry. A lot. For instance, earlier this baseball season, I started crying when Albert Pujols hit a homerun (for the record, I'm a huge Cardinals fan).

* I get really angry when I see someone smoking with a kid in the car...even worse when the kid isn't in a carseat.

* I have lots of celebrity crushes (male and female)...Kimberly Perry (from The Band Perry), The Rock, Jeff and Jordan (from Big Brother...ok, not really real celebrities, but ya know), Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert, Josh Turner, Brad Paisley, Hilary from Lady A....I'm seeing a trend with country music singers.

* I like country music. I like music period. My car radio is usually either on a country station or a contemporary Christian station. I have never owned an iPod or any other music device like that (except the good ol' Walkman and Discman back in the day).

* I get a thrill out of organizing and making things pretty. You couldn't tell either of those by walking into my house.

* Pretty much the only tv I watch is reality tv...The Bachelor/Bachelorette or Big Brother, anyone?

* I bought a super nice camera, planning to learn it inside out and get some amazing pictures of Natalie. Nope, hasn't happened. I still just take regular ol' snap shots....but taking some great pictures of her is still on my to-do list.

* Two of the shows that annoy me the most are 5,000 Kids and Counting (you know, the Duggars) and Toddlers and Tiaras. Some of those parents are flippin' crazy, and I feel bad for the little girls and boys who don't want to be there. I've been on the fence about putting Natalie in a natural pageant, but I just don't think I can bite the bullet. A co-worker showed me this, hope you get a chuckle out of it:

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