Friday, May 27, 2011


I've totally been a Negative Nancy for the last few days, so I haven't felt like posting anything. My mind's been racing a mile a minute; nothing specific to write about today.

* We took Natalie to the STL Zoo for the first time last weekend.

* Yesterday was our 4 year wedding anniversary. Nathan worked late (well, till 6:00 pm), we didn't exchange gifts, and we didn't celebrate with champagne and peanut clusters as we had planned. (Yep, champagne and peanut clusters....low key and easy to please!)

* Natalie's daycare class made puppy chow today. Can you imagine making puppy chow with thirteen 2-year olds? Wow! Her teachers are brave. Natalie actually came home very clean and not on as much of a sugar-high as I expected. Apparently she had a lot of fun today (it was also pajama day in her class).

* It's Memorial Day weekend. We are going to a wedding in our hometown tomorrow. I'm hoping I can convince Nathan to go down the route for the annual 100-mile yard sale. Sunday we're meeting up with some friends on a private lake. They have a small boat, so we'll hang out with them and crash at my friend's in-laws' house for the night. Should be a good time. What do you have planned for Memorial Day weekend?

* My MIL and her sister decorated our house for our anniversary. I knew she was buying stuff to decorate and that I couldn't see it until our anniversary, but the plan was to decorate with me here, approving or disapproving of decor placement. Well, my MIL text me today and asked if she and her sister could come over and start decorating while I was at work. Reluctantly, I okay'd it, and my stomach was in knots all day. They were still here when I got home this evening. Some things I like, some I don't. I'll work with it, though, because it wasn't my money that was spent :)

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Have a great weekend! I remember the 100 mile yard sale! Ha!! My MIL and Grandma-in-law are here visiting from Jackson. Got the info about where ya'll work. I have a friend whose little girl goes to Cape Christian School for the Younger Years and just wondered if little Natalie went there! Maybe we can meet up sometime for coffee or lunch when I'm in town!
